Digital particle detection –
Swisens is another successful example of the university initiative and good cooperation. We were able to support the company by developing a detailed corporate identity as part of a student supported project as well as further meetings and development stages.
Today, Swisens is already a multi-member team and the company sees good opportunities for their product developments for sustainable success on the market. The developed identity will accompany them and promote them with a value-oriented image and lively interaction with customers.
Swisens itself: “Founded in 2016 as a spin-off of Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Swisens AG develops advanced sensing technologies to monitor environmental threats in our surrounding air. Our focus is currently on detecting and identifying Pollen accurately and in real-time, as such allergies affect more than 20% of the Swiss population. We may not be able to make Pollen disappear, but real-time measurements help people avoid the problematic areas or make countermeasures in time.
The range of detection includes allergens such as pollen, mold spores or excrements of house dust mite. Users have time to act and take preventive measures because of the precise real-time information.” (