Emotional Voice Assistants – 

Welby is a voice user interface through emotional intelligence to support positive wellbeing. This work is an approach to emotionally intelligent language assistants, who still have little sympathy among users today. The work analyses what an emotional intelligent speech interface is and how emotional intelligence and positive psychology influence the concept of communication. The research has been developed through the use of different user-centric design methods. The study emphasizes the ambitions of emotional voice assistants based on pillars of emotional intelligence and designed by positive psychology to build sustainable relationships based on trust.

The personalization of the users’ experience by social research based tools, was a critical aspect that became visible. Analyzing emotions and creating an emotion atlas for each character were important methods. The definition of the voice through adjectives, and the emotional role of the character as further important approaches added to the concept. The gradual development of prototypes, the Wizard-of-oz test and working with story boards changed the quality of the study thoroughly. The result was a basic guideline for those who want to create emotional added value for virtual language assistants.

A thesis project by: Cansu Kipirdi “MAID – Master of Arts of Integrated Design” Hochschule Anhalt, Summer 2019.
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